PIC16F877 pic16f876 via the serial port and control the servo motor with 8 additional program code in addition have prepared for the test sample c language To follow this project need to arm themselves demoboard 16F876 (or 16f877), the… Electronics Projects, PICmicro the Servo Motor Serial Port Control Project “microchip projects, microcontroller projects,
PIC16F877 pic16f876 via the serial port and control the servo motor with 8 additional program code in addition have prepared for the test sample c language
To follow this project need to arm themselves demoboard 16F876 (or 16f877), the RS232 module, a PC serial port and 8 servants well. If you do not have home-8 servants, you can also use a door solo.Alle B of the PIC will be connected wireless signal of the servants and the rs232 module connects to the pins RC6 and RC7. You can connect the PC to the serial form rs232, program the PIC and install the control program in your PC.
Connections have to do this: Connect the pin port B line to the control of the 8 servi.Collegare the pin RC6 (17-pin serial Tx) to form rs232 and pin RC7 (18-pin serial Rx) always form rs232.Alimentate demoboard is that the module rs232.I servants should feed them separately because their absorption in the stream may be such as to reset the pic.