This is a very small telephone exchange attached only two ordinary Tele phones. Fully bi-directional facility with an intercom system. When a phone is in off hook condition , Exchange will detect it & send ringing pulse to other phone. When it will be picked up , the connection will be established between both phones. This will be taken place vice-versa.
Micro Controller = PIC16F84A
Firmware version = 1.00
Power Supply = 230 v
Power Supply Unit
The Power Supply Unit.
This is used normal step down transformer (400ma) for generating three type of deference voltages & 100 AC volt for rigging.
It doesnt provided a PCB pattern for the power supply unit. So a Vero board can be used to build the unit.
Parts List :
1.Step down transformer ( 230 V to 30 V , 15 V & 100 V )
2.Two bridged 1 A rectifiers
3.7805 5V regulator
4.7812 12V regulator
5.1000 uf 35 V
6.1000 uf 16 v
7.150 ma fuse & its holders.
8.Necessary Wires & a wire code for AC supply.
The controlling unit ( Exchange )
This circuit is base on PIC16F84A microcontroller. Two slimier SLIC are connected to The controlling unit. It needs to identify following connections on the controlling unit circuit diagram.
One SLIC connections should be marked as,
1. TN_SLIC_1
2. SD_SLIC_1
3. RG_SLIC_1
Other SLIC connections should be marked as,
1. TN_SLIC_2
2. SD_SLIC_2
3. RG_SLIC_2
These connections should be connected as on the controlling unit circuit diagram.
Parts List :
1. 2SC945 x 3
1. 1N4007 x 1
2. 1N4148 x 2
3. LED x 1
Capacitors ( 16 V )
1. 4.7 uf x 4
2. 22 pf x 2
1. 10 K x 4
2. 4.7 K x 4
3. 330 x 1
Read more: Two way Simple Very Small Telephone Exchange