Used in motor speed control circuit microcontroller atmel attiny45p exit number 5 Kubla connected to pin opto pc817 pc817 output while the engine is controlled as isolated MOSFETs have bs170 and irlz34 Attiny45 Pb4… Electronics Projects, 15A Motor Speed Control Circuit Attiny45 PWM “avr project, microcontroller projects, pwm circuits, “

Used in motor speed control circuit microcontroller atmel attiny45p exit number 5 Kubla connected to pin opto pc817 pc817 output while the engine is controlled as isolated MOSFETs have bs170 and irlz34 Attiny45 Pb4 leg control signal number 3 is entered. Circuit driven by motors up to 15 amps. MOSFETs are driven by PWM method pwn frequency 1.8 kHz
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