Make Your Own Power Meter/Logger

In this project I will show you how I combined an Arduino, an INA219 power monitor IC, an OLED LCD and a Micro SD Card PCB in order to create a power meter/logger that has more functions than the popular USB Power Meter. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Watch the Video!

The video gives you a good overview on how to create your own power meter. In the next steps though I will present you some additional information to make this project even simpler.

Step 2: Order Your Parts!

Here you can find a parts list with example seller for the portable version of this project.

Step 3: Create the Circuit!

Here you can find the schematic for the Arduino Nano version and the portable version of this project. You can also find those schematic on the Easy EDA website:……
You can also use the pictures of my finished board as a reference for your own.

Step 4: Upload the Code!

Now that your circuit is complete, it is time to upload the code. You can download it here. But don’t forget to download and include the following libraries before uploading:

You can find an improved version of my code here:

Read More: Make Your Own Power Meter/Logger

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