Tiny-PAT – USB-C power adapter tester

Con dos modos de realización de pruebas (manual y automático), este testeador de alimentación USB-C es una solución compacta, económica y stand-alone.

We are quickly entering the age of USB Type-C. This “jack of all trades” port is appearing in more and more new electronic devices.

USB Type-C helps to reduce reliance on proprietary power adapters and USB cables; you can move to a single, robust, and compact solution that works on all devices. USB-C is quickly replacing various USB-B and USB-A connectors and cables with a standard that is meant to be “future-proof.”

As more and more of our devices will be using USB-C power adapters, it is essential that developers and manufacturers have an easy way to test their USB-C power adapters during development and manufacturing.

That’s where the USBCEE Tiny-PAT comes in – it’s the world’s smallest, fastest, easiest, and lowest cost USB-C power adapter tester.

Who Needs Tiny-PAT

  • Marketing/Sales Professionals: Demonstrate power adapter quality
  • USB-C Power Adapter Developers: Make quick, easy, and repeatable tests
  • IT Technicians: Cut debugging steps and go straight to the source quickly and easily

How Tiny-PAT Compares

Traditional USB-C testing devices are expensive, cumbersome, and time-consuming to use. USBCEE aims to change that by developing the Tiny-PAT: a small, user-friendly, inexpensive, and powerful testing tool.

Testing during USB-PD power adapter design is always a challenge. Today, testing requires an Ellisys / LeCroy / MQP / GRL test box to perform very simple voltage transition tests, and just the setup alone is time-consuming.

Additionally, these test tools are very expensive. Do you share your current testing devices with a number of other colleagues? It is a huge waste of time, effort, and money when you are constantly waiting for your turn to use the testing equipment.

Tiny-Pat Ellisys / Lecroy/ GRL/ MQP
Cost $40 USD > $10000 USD
Set up and test time < 10 seconds > 2 minutes
Additional software or PC needed No Yes
Size 35 x 20 x 2 mm > 100 x 100 x 20 mm
Manual mode support Yes No
Suitable for a Manufacturer Test Kit Yes No

Features & Specifications

  • Dimensions: 35 x 20 mm
  • Max Voltage: 24 V
  • Max Current: 5 A
  • Max Power: 100 W
  • Supported USB Spec Version: PD 2.0 / PD 3.0*
  • Power Consumption: ~10 mA (may vary based on voltage)

* Note: PD 3.0 is backward compatible with the PD 2.0 spec

USBCEE Tiny-PAT Operation

System Setup

Power on the power adapter (PA) to be tested, and connect it to USBCEE Tiny-PAT using a Type-C cable.

USBCEE Tiny PAT System Setup

USBCEE Tiny-PAT can be operated either in Auto test mode or in Manual test mode.

Auto Test Mode (Default Mode)

USBCEE Tiny-PAT has been configured to work in auto test mode upon power up. In this mode, Tiny-PAT requests all the power profiles advertised by the PA and measures VBUS voltage corresponding to each profile. The green LED (marked “PASS” on the board) turns on after successful completion of the test. The red LED (marked “FAIL” on the board) indicates test failure. Auto mode is particularly useful for testing devices in large volume.

Read More: Tiny-PAT – USB-C power adapter tester

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