

Control a Furby with Arduino (or other microcontroller)

The Million Dollar Furby: We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Continued from the previous Instructable where we excised Furby’s primitive brain , it’s now time to replace it with something greater. This Instructable will detail how to install a new microcontroller in place of Furby’s old brain, making him into a fully controllable robot puppet. …

Control a Furby with Arduino (or other microcontroller) Read More »

Back Saver Backpack carrying follower robot

Back-Saver: Backpack-carrying follower robot powered by Wunderbar using Arduino

Hardware components: SparkFun RedBoard × 1 DC Stepper Motor 28-BY-J-48 × 1 MB 1010 LV-Max-Sonar EZ1 × 1 WunderBar Story A Sparkfun Red-Board utilizes a LV-Max Sonar component to judge distances between the user and the robot, powering the DC stepper motor to move forward, reverse or change direction. Each motor requires around 5V to …

Back-Saver: Backpack-carrying follower robot powered by Wunderbar using Arduino Read More »

Arduino Robotic Arm (1)

Make Wired Robotic Arm Edge to “Wireless” with DIY Arduino and XBee

UPDATE: Added Schematic, Top Layer PCB, Bottom Layer PCB, and both Top, Bottom PCB images When I finished the  “RevIO” – an Arduino Clone that has the different way of exposing pins usage. I decided to go further to the next project. To test my “RevIO” board that it could do the bigger task than just …

Make Wired Robotic Arm Edge to “Wireless” with DIY Arduino and XBee Read More »

Arduino line follower robot

Arduino-based line follower robot using Pololu QTR-8RC line sensor

UPDATE FEB 2012: This guide is featured on Adafruit’s blog This is Faz3a II, my first line-following robot, which I also hope to use for maze-solving. I used the Arduino Uno, Adafruit motor shield, Pololu’s QTR-8RC line sensors and motors. You can build a cheaper and lighter version of this robot using the Atmel …

Arduino-based line follower robot using Pololu QTR-8RC line sensor Read More »

Extending PWM output pins

Extending PWM output pins with a Texas Instruments TLC5940 LED driver using arduino

Introduction Microcontrollers like the Arduino were designed to facilitate the use of electronics for designers and DIY enthusiasts. The interface provides a great starting points for a variety of elecronic circuit designs. However, as the microcontroller is standardized, it is also limited in its use. That shows for example in the limited number of PWM …

Extending PWM output pins with a Texas Instruments TLC5940 LED driver using arduino Read More »