This time, simple project that i made from simple need. Simple, cheap and functional regulated power supply 1,25V to 15V, two separately regulated positive lines and two negative. This power supply uses LM317 and LM337 integrated circuit stabilizers – or their stronger versions. Galvanic ally separated lines can be connected in various configurations.
There is no need to write too much about the simplest application of regulated stabilizers. In this article, I described how to make a simple front panel – sorry no English translation for now. In the attachment besides the usual stuff, you will find a ready to print front panel design adapted for the Z1A housing – the typo seen on pics is fixed 🙂 . Please note that in order to get exactly the same voltage as set on the scale, add a small pot for each external potentiometer and calibrate the upper voltage setting. Those cheapest mounting potentiometers have a tolerance of up to 20% of its value so the voltage may, but not need to, be set a quite different from setting on the scale. Instead of LM317 and LM337 you can solder their stronger versions 3A or 5A. Note that those stabilizers can not be electrically connected by the heat sink.
Read More: Simple Dual Symmetrical Power Supply