The chains of the bicycle are the direct link between your feet and the power you put in your feet to move the legs forward. The chain must be kept in good order to improve the efficiency of change and maximize its service life. Without cleaning and lubricating the chain, the dirt and debris will accumulate, leading to premature wear, which can lead to transfer performance and eventually breakage, potentially messing with your home or your vehicle. I get stuck. The amount of time that China’s services should be available depends on your ride, ride conditions and usage patterns. Regardless, the following guidelines apply to all styles of riders and bicycles, including but not limited to road, mountain, BMX, casual, etc.

Table of Contents
Tools required
Step 1: Maintenance Stand
Step 2: Find the Chain’s Quick Link
Step 3: Remove the chain lock Pin
Step 4: Cleaning the Chain
Step 5: Inspection
Step 6: Installing the chain
Step 7: Installing the chain pin (Lock)
Step 8: Lubricating China
Step 9: Checking
Tools required

Safety glasses, nitrous gloves, chain pliers, chain breaker (optional), chain inspection tool, container such as plastic bottle or vintage tupperware mineral spirits or other degreasers, new China pins, pliers, chain lubricants.
Step 1: Maintenance Stand

Install the bike in the maintenance stand. Caution should be used when clipping a motorcycle to avoid damage to the carbon fiber or suspension seat seats.
Step 2: Find the Chain’s Quick Link

Quick Link is a visually different link to China with one slot. If your chain doesn’t link fast, skip to Step 3, otherwise proceed to Step 4. Remove the chain.
Step 3: Remove the chain lock Pin

Select a pin to remove from the chain using a chain breaking tool. If the chain has been repaired using this method, it is recommended to remove at least four links remotely before using it. Insert chain breaker between links that align the pin to the tool pin from the chain. Make sure that the chain is properly seated in the tool before the screw is applied. Turn the chain pin clockwise until the chain is out of the chain. When you break the chain pin free at the beginning and end of the removal, you will notice some initial resistance and hear a pop, this is normal. Remove the device from the chain and the chain from the motorcycle.
Step 4: Cleaning the Chain

Place the china in a container and fill it with enough solvent to cover the china. Hold the lid and shake vigorously for a minute or so. Open the container and dispose of the used solvents. Replace with fresh solvents and repeat at least once. It is recommended to repeat this process until the solvent takes the contamination to a mere color. You can filter the used solvent through a sufficient filter and reuse for cleaning the chain in the future.
Step 5: Inspection

Once satisfied that the chain is sufficiently cleaned, remove from the solvent and wipe dry with a clean rag. You may blow the chain dry with an air nozzle if available or leave to dry for ten minutes. It is also recommended that time be taken here to clean the derailleur, cassette and front chain rings as well as inspect for any damage. Using the chain inspection tool measure the wear of the chain following the tool manufacturer’s instructions. If the chain is damaged or worn replace the chain with new. If installing a new chain begin by degreasing the chain as above and follow the steps below.
Step 6: Installing the chain

Once cleaned and inspected, it’s time to reinstall the stream. If installing a new stream, compare the length and shorten the new stream if needed by removing the links above. Start by rooting the stream on the front sprite and allowing the chain end to hang. Take the second head of the series and pass it over the chain formation and seat formation and the rear cassette. Make a chain path to the back of the cassette and guide the back of the tab into the upper spirits (jockey wheels) and the derailleur guide plate. Pass the chain around the rear of the lower sprite (the wheeler wheel) and pass through the derailleur frame. If your bike does not have a rear derailleur, simply move the chain around the front and rear chain.
Step 7: Installing the chain pin (Lock)

Put a half-fast link to the chain at each end of the chain and bring the chain together. Save the quick link by inserting each pin into the same holes and pulling each end of the chain in opposite directions until a click is felt or heard. The chain is properly seated when the quick links are in the rear of the pin slots and no gaps are visible.
If your bike doesn’t use a quick link, skip ahead to the installation process. Begin by removing an extra link from the part of the stream where the original PIN was removed. If this series has been performed multiple times on the same series, it may be necessary to install a small piece of chain chain to regain the proper length. Bring both ends of the chain together and insert a new pin until it stops. Install the chain tool, align the pin of the tool with the chain pin. Turn the tool screw clockwise until the pin is cleared from the link inside the chain. Remove the tool and use a standard pliers, hold the pin and break the spread of the pin. The pin on the line is easily broken.
Step 8: Lubricating China

Start by selecting your preferred lubricant to lubricate the chain properly. Manufacture manufactures different lubricants for different conditions, consult your motorcycle shop to determine how well your riding style fits. When turning the crank backwards a large amount of lubricating is applied throughout the chain. If not necessary, you will allow the lubricant to sit for a minute or two. Using an old rag, grab the chain from the bottom and twist the crank backwards. Using light pressure, let China pass through rags, removing excess lubricating equipment. The end result should be just a thin layer. Use caution here to avoid getting rags or toes between chains and sprockets.
Step 9: Checking

Rotate the crank forward and ensure the correct shifting of the entire range of wolves by moving to China. Once satisfied, inspect the chain one last time for a quick quick link or pin installation. The final product should be a clean chain with no dirt, grease or grime. Just a thin film of oil.
It’s also a good time to inspect the rest of the bike. Remove the bike from the maintenance stand and get on the ride!