Getting Started with Arty

Digilent recently released a new FPGA development board. The Arty board. The Arty is designed to be used exclusively with Xilinx Vivado, and designed specifically for use with microblaze.
This tutorial covers how to use the out of he box design that ships loaded into Arty’s Quad-SPI Flash, with I/O and UART.
To view the reference material and other demo projects for Arty, go to the Arty resource center.
For this Tutorial you will need:- Arty
USB A to USB B micro cable
TeraTerm Software installed
Xilinx Vivado (The free Web pack will work) installed and licensed
Getting Started with Arty

Step 1: Plug in and Power on Arty

Using the USB A to USB B micro, plug the Arty into your computer. Make sure the jumper between the Ethernet and female barrel jack connector is configured for USB power. Open Tera Term and select USB the radio button for Serial. If this window does not automatically appear, you may need to go to File -> New Connection. Click OK.

Step 2: Open Tera Term

Open Tera Term and select USB the radio button for Serial. If this window does not automatically appear, you may need to go to File -> New Connection. Click OK.

Step 3: Open the Serial Port Setup

Go to Setup -> Serial Port…

Step 4: Enter the Correct Settings

Enter the correct Port, Baud Rate of 115200, 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. Hit OK.

Step 5: Open the Menu for the Demo

Right now you probably see gibberish in the Terra Term window.
Press any button, and then press button 3 to get to the menu. From this point on anytime you want to get to the menu shown in this image, you press button 3.
As you can see in the menu, this demo features three modes; PWM, Ceylon, and scrolling LEDS.
I will go through each with what is shown from the serial port and on the board.

Step 6: PWM Mode – All Switches Off

Press BTN 0 to enter PWM mode.

With all the switches off, you should see a PWM value of 0. The switches define the duty cycle of the PWM signal being sent to the LEDs. No switches on translates to, no illumination on the LEDS.
Read More: Getting Started with Arty

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