Since the IR Sensor uses a light sensor, the schematic is very similar to that of the light sensor. The only difference is the addition of an IR LED and that the IR detector requires connection to 5V and ground.
Breadboard Setup
To setup the sensors you will need:
- 2x IR Detectors
- 2x IR LEDs in housings
- 2x 2kΩ resistors (red-black-red)
- 2x 220Ω resistors (red-red-brown)
- 2x red jumper wires
- 2x black jumper wires
- 2x signal jumper wires (can be of any color)
First we need to make sure that the IR LEDs are in their housings :
1) Insert IR LED into larger housing part with leads sticking out.
2) Press the LED firmly into the housing.
3) Place the smaller housing part over the LED.
Placing the IR LEDs
Now we can place the IR LEDs into the breadboard. Note that the anode (longer lead, rounded edge) is the positive side and the cathode (shorter lead, flat edge) is the negative side. Reversing the polarity may damage the LED.
Placing the IR Detectors
Now we can place the IR Detectors into the breadboard. The middle prong of the collector should be on the same bus as the LED’s cathode (in order to tie it to Ground).
Read more: Connecting an IR Sensor Using Arduino