This is a simple solar tracker which automatically orients itself towards the sun or any bright source of light like the sun .If you place solar panels on this robot it can increase their productivity by 90 to 95 %. At first creating a solar tracking robot may sound complicated but it quite quickly becomes clear. As the title suggests it runs on the arduino board .This is a fun to do and low cost project.
This instructable was inspired from geo bruces instructable solar tracking robot
This instructable explains how to create your own solar tracking robot, how to set up the robot and how to test the robot.
This instructable is a entry in the robot challenge in the age category of 13 – 18 (I am 14 years old).
Step 1: Parts & Tools
~ 2 x Servo Motors – Local Electronics Store
~ 4 x LDR’s – Local Electronics Store
~ 4 x 10k Resistors – Local Electronics Store
~ Arduino Uno –
~ 2 x 50k Variable Resistor – Local Electronics Store
~ Soldering Iron –
~ Solder Wire –
~ Jumper Wires –
~ Protoboard – Local Electronics Store
All the parts will cost you less than 30$ (Excluding the arduino and all the tools)
Step 2: Build The Circuit
Step 3: Build The Sensor Assembly